2020年9月16日 星期三
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外眼EYESHENZHEN | 中国葡萄牙商会董事局主席Dário Silva:在粤投资发展,是个再合适不过的选择

信息来源:深圳发布 发布时间:2024-02-20


The improved business environment and incentives for foreign investments are attracting international companies to look for more business opportunities in Guangdong Province, Dário Silva, board chairman of PorCham Greater China, said at an interview on the eve of the opening of Guangdong Provincial High-quality Development Conference in Shenzhen on Feb. 18.

广东省营商环境的改善和对外商投资的激励措施,正吸引国际企业在广东省寻找更多商机,在广东省高质量发展大会在深圳开幕前夕,中国葡萄牙商会董事局主席Dário Silva在接受采访时说。 

“In Hengqin FTA, the 6+1 Technology trade platform received incentives such as 60% rebate on the office rent, and other tax rebates,” Silva cited an example at the interview. 



PorCham engages in promoting businesses between China, Portugal, and other Portuguese-speaking countries under the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). Last year, it participated in the construction and operation of the China Portugal International Trade and Investment Cooperation Center.   

在 "一带一路"(BRI)倡议下,中国葡萄牙商会致力于促进中国、葡萄牙及其他葡语国家之间的商业往来。去年,它参与了中葡国际贸易投资合作中心的建设和运营。

“The reason we operated the center in Guangdong is obvious, because our businesses will benefit from Guangdong’s dynamic economy and its influence across the country, as well as Macao’s strong Portuguese background.” Silva said. 


According to Silva, the center engages in matchmaking for local and foreign corporations and provides research and strategy for investments in China and Portuguese-speaking countries. 


“The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) is a focal point for high-tech development, know-how transfer, and quality economic growth. We are trying to bring tech companies to Guangdong, to enter Chinese markets and gain dimension to the global market,” he added.


Silva noted the GBA’s innovation appeal, government  support, and dynamic exchanges are among the factors luring foreign investors in the region. He also stated that high-tech companies from Portuguese-speaking countries are very interesting in development in the GBA.

Silva 指出,GBA 的创新吸引力、政府支持和活跃的交流往来是吸引外国投资者的重要因素。他还表示,葡语国家的高科技公司对在大湾区发展非常感兴趣。

After the Spring Festival holiday, Silva said the chamber will be busy planning activities for 2024, with focus on new energy vehicles  because Portuguese importers and distributors are willing to collaborate with Chinese manufacturers.

据Silva 介绍,春节假期过后,中国葡萄牙商会将忙于规划2024年的活动,重点是新能源汽车,因为葡萄牙进口商和经销商有很强的意愿与中国制造商合作。

“Portugal has large lithium reserves and being the automotive cluster in Portugal and Spain, is the second most relevant in Europe. It is a good place for Chinese manufacturers to invest in production locally in Portugal for the European and Portuguese-speaking countries’ markets,” Silva said. 

"葡萄牙拥有大量的锂储量,作为葡萄牙和西班牙的汽车产业集群,在欧洲排名第二。对于中国制造商来说,这是一个在葡萄牙当地投资生产,面向欧洲和葡语国家市场的好地方," Silva说。

编辑:邱悦 刘嘉雯
审读:黄淳 吴沁彤
