2020年9月16日 星期三
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面向东盟讲好中国故事展示特区形象 “国际友人在深摄影作品国际巡回展”泰国站

信息来源:深圳市贸促委 发布时间:2021-06-30



  本次展览于6月22日拉开序幕,以“此心安处是我乡”为主题,在泰国中华总商会和62个行业协会召开的第225次会议现场,展出30张优秀作品,作品来自《深圳日报》(Shenzhen Daily)所举办的“国际友人在深圳”摄影大赛。



  A PHOTO exhibition, a spin-off of the Expats Eye Shenzhen Photo Contest, has been held in Thailand online and offline, drawing a lot of attention from local media and netizens around the world.

  The Expats Eye Shenzhen Photo Contest was organized by Shenzhen Daily and EYESHENZHEN.com.

  The photo exhibit under the name of “Shenzhen is the home where our hearts settle,” was jointly held by the Liaison Office in Thailand under China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shenzhen Municipal Committee (CCPIT Shenzhen) and the Thai Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce Association of Thailand.

  The event kicked off June 22 with an offline display of 30 photos at the 225th meeting convened by Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (ThaiCCC) and 62 guilds from different industries.

  “Both Chinese people living in Thailand and local people are amazed by the ‘Shenzhen speed,’ beautiful scenery and well-equipped public space. They are looking forward to visit the city in person,” said Xie Chongtong, president of the Thai Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce Association of Thailand.

  On the same day, the Sing Sian Yer Pao Daily News, a well-known Chinese newspaper with the longest history in Thailand, published 15 winning pictures with captions. By the time the pictures were published, the paper had featured two full pages presenting a total of 30 photos. The Universal Daily News, another Chinese newspaper in Thailand, covered 14 pictures from the Eye Shenzhen contest.

  Meanwhile, a one-month online publicity campaign has been launched to further promote the photo exhibit via Facebook and Instagram.

  “Thai people and people from other countries can see the beauty of Shenzhen. The city’s energy and humanity presented through expats’ lenses are more objective, realistic and convincing,” Xie said.
