2020年9月16日 星期三
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信息来源:深圳市贸促委 发布时间:2021-07-09

  6月25日至27日,由深圳市贸促委主办、深圳市贸促委驻尼日利亚联络处承办的“国际友人在深圳摄影作品国际巡回展”在尼日利亚拉各斯耐克艺术文化中心举行。为期三天的展览展出了来自《深圳日报》(Shenzhen Daily)所举办的第二届“国际友人在深圳”摄影大赛的51张照片,展示了深圳这个年轻城市的活力和魅力,向世界展示了中国改革开放的磅礴伟力。

  深圳市贸促委驻尼日利亚联络处代表盘浩介绍,耐克艺术文化中心是非洲最大的画廊,美术馆创始人Nike Okundaye女士是非洲艺术和手工艺领域最核心的人物之一,毕生致力于复兴传统艺术及女权维护,是尼日利亚最知名的纺织品艺术家和画家。展览当天,Nike Okundaye女士亲临现场, 曾多次与广州传祺等中国企业合作的她表达了对参展作品和中国文化的强烈喜爱并热情地向参观者介绍了图片展。此次展览中心保留了10张照片作为画廊的永久展品。


  A THREE-DAY photo exhibit showcasing 51 photos of the Second Expats Eye Shenzhen Photo Contest was held from June 25 to 27 in Nike Art and Cultural Center, Lagos, Nigeria. The event has introduced various facets of China’s high-tech hub to Nigerians.

  The “International Touring Exhibition of Photography Works of International Friends in Shenzhen” was organized by the Liaison Office in Nigeria under China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shenzhen Municipal Committee (CCPIT Shenzhen).

  A promotion campaign started one month prior to the event, said Pan Hao with CCPIT Shenzhen’s Liaison Office in Nigeria.

  Nike Art and Cultural Center is one of Africa’s largest galleries. Mama Nike, founder of the art gallery and a renowned artist who has great affection for Chinese culture, enthusiastically introduced the picture exhibit to visitors. Nike kept 10 photos as permanent exhibits of the gallery.

  While covering the exhibition, Legit, a local news website, said that “The exhibition depicts the livable, business-friendly and travelable facets of the city.”

  The report garnered 100,000 views.
